Two New Postdoctoral Positions and Two PhD Scholarships Available

Shell Alliance on Multiscale Modeling of Environmentally Assisted Cracking of Duplex Stainless Steels in Downhole Environments.
Thanks to the generous contribution of the Shell Technology Centre in India, we are seeking to fill two new Postdoctoral Positions as well as two PhD higher-degree by research (HDR) scholarships.
These positions will see the successful candidates working with an international team of researchers on developing a multiscale environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) model that will incorporate not only atomistic, dislocation density, and continuum methods, but also mathematical transport models to predict EAC susceptibility of duplex stainless steels for downhole applications.
The project will be divided into two main tasks:
- Multiscale and multiphysics model development.
- Experimental Pit-to-crack transition studies.
A Postdoctoral Fellow will lead each task and an HDR student assigned to each topic.
Important Dates
- Postdoctoral roles: the application deadline is January 7th.
- HDR Scholarships: the application deadline is January 31st.
How to apply to the Postdoctoral Roles?
To apply, please follow the links below.
- Position 1: Multiscale Modeling.
- Position 2: Environmentally Assisted Cracking.
How to Apply to the HDR Scholarships?
Please visit our official Scholarship page to find out more. You can also send your resume by email to Prof. Mariano Iannuzzi