Welcome Dr Qing Cao

We like to welcome Dr Qing Cao to the Curtin Corrosion Centre team. Qing will be leading the Corrosion Under Insulation theme within the QEERI-Curtin Alliance in Corrosion.
A bit more about Qing
Qing Cao is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Curtin Corrosion Centre. She earned her PhD degree from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Monash University, Australia. Her thesis was entitled “On the mechanism, detection and mitigation studies of corrosion under insulation of mild steel”. After she submitted her thesis in 2019, she worked in the industry as a materials engineer on projects that relate to materials durability design and asset management. She also holds a Bachelor’s degree (Honours) in Materials Science and Engineering from Central South University, China and Monash University, Australia.
At Curtin Corrosion Centre, she will continue her research engagement and contribute to the ongoing investigation of corrosion under insulation, with a focus on coating performance evaluation, corrosion monitoring and modelling. Her other research interests include atmospheric corrosion, localized corrosion, cathodic protection, and corrosion-related asset management in oil and gas piping.
In her spare time, Qing enjoys spending time with her partner and two adorable cats; she also loves camping, travelling, and exploring the magnificent nature.